30 November, 2008

The Design Cycle

The Design Cycle in MYP is the series of steps you must take in order to create any project in Technology.

The first step, Investigate, involves doing research about your project and things that may assist you in making it and writing up what you find. The second step, Design, involves making 3 designs, choosing the one you like best, and writing about why you chose that particular design. In the third step, Plan, you plan your time out carefully for your project. In the fourth step, Create, you make your actual project. During this time, you should keep a process journal and record any changes you have made from your original design. In the final step, Evaluate, you evaluate your work for each previous step of the design cycle and your overall attitude during the project. You write any changes you would make if you had to re-do the project.
The Design Cycle is helpful because it helps you lay out your work in a way that is organized and makes sense so if anyone else looks at, they can understand what you did and why. Also, if you make a mistake, it is easier to go back and see what you did wrong.